“Never Be the Same” is the most radio-friendly track, a stirring affirmation of divine love. “Fight Inside,” “Death of Me,” and “Shadows” nearly give the edge to the Evil One, while “Mystery of You” and “Start Again” offer glimmers of God’s presence.

Call to Adventure: Invasion from the castle troops People of Far far away Evicted by Lord Farquaad and start to make a home in Shrek’s swamp Shrek does not approve 4. The album presents a sustained vision of psychic purgatory, with the balance constantly shifting between salvation and damnation. Ordinary World: Meeting Shrek Lives in a swamp Peacefully alone in his area 3. What sets them apart are its self-lacerating lyrics, delivered in snarls, yowls and whispers by singer Michael Barnes. Red revels in buzzsaw guitar riffs and pummeling drums, then tops things off with swirls of melodramatic strings. there was William Steigs SHREK, a book about an ordinary ogre who leaves his swampy childhood home to go out and see the world. The volcanic rage and desperate hunger found on the band’s debut effort End of Silence are amplified to even higher levels in these seething, soul-bareing tracks.

Taking inspiration from Dante’s Inferno, Red rips into themes of spiritual conflict on its sophomore album Innocence & Instinct.