Tip: before you go on, know that Windows 7 comes with an arguably better alternative (which will save your todo notes even if you accidentally close the postit!) This is a tiny application called " Sticky Notes", which we'll discuss in a later tutorial. This means that if you close the postit note gadget, all your notes are gone, even if you re-install or drag it back to the desktop or Sidebar.

Warning: many users have learned the hard way that Windows Vista and Windows 7 gadgets do not save their data. The other postit note gadget is less sophisticated, but offers an advantage: it is a longer (higher) postit, which lets you type nearly twice the number of to-do's on your note (and spares you from having two or three note gadgets stacked above one another!) There are quite a few alternatives, but we picked the pair that we thought would be most suitable replacements for basic to-do lists. In this tutorial, we'll look at two of the best replacement gadgets we found, and briefly explain their settings: one of them is the same as the regular note gadget, but expands to a larger postit when you drag it outside the Windows 7 Sidebar gadget, or away from the edge and towards the center of the screen. Unlike Windows Vista, Windows 7 no longer comes with the post-it notes desktop gadget for some reason.
Sticky notes widget windows 7 download download#
Download the postit notes gadget for Windows 7 desktop